Wednesday, July 12, 2006

JuLy 12, 2006

SoMe FrienDs aRe Precious
I am so LucKy To HaVe a GreaT FriEnd LiKe You
On ThiS Your SpeciaL DaY
We WisH For YoU
EveryThinG ThaT BrinGs YoU HapPiNesS

HaPpY HaPpY BdaY, My LittLe PriNcEss... *

*Especially for putri "The Cimed Crazy Woman" , we love you so much,bow :-*


puput said...

:( sweet...
thanks so muach yes..

buncizpoenya said...

yeees!!same same lah!
wew, telad nggo banged yow?
hehe, btw i miz for ngerjain dirimu neh,sun.. ;p